Trump to ban free and open internet
Published in News
Thursday, 26 January 2017 11:43

Trump to ban free and open internet

Must be ruled by the US telcos

Shy and retiring US president Donald (Prince of Orange) Trump is almost certain to hand over control of the internet to the US comms companies and abandon the net neutrality which has made the technology great again.

Foxconn faces problems setting up shop in US
Published in News
Wednesday, 25 January 2017 12:22

Foxconn faces problems setting up shop in US

Sharp co-operation is not done and dusted

While the press has made much of Foxconn’s plans to co-operate with Sharp to build a new panel plant in the US, the deal is so far from being done and dusted it is increasingly looking unlikely.

IBM continues to fire US workers and cut more jobs overseas
Published in News

Bows to Trump and yet ignores him completely

While some companies are spinning their US plant expansions in the hope of getting Donald (Prince of Orange) Trump off their backs, Biggish Blue is tearing a leaf from his PR playbook.

Trump calls for a return to snail mail
Published in News
Tuesday, 03 January 2017 11:50

Trump calls for a return to snail mail

Making America great again by getting rid of all those pesky computers 

US president elect Donald (Prince of Orange) Trump says he has a cunning plan to improve cyber-security – he wants to return to the pre-email days of the courier.

Russia expanding hacker team
Published in News
Monday, 02 January 2017 11:40

Russia expanding hacker team

Team has been growing for three years

After his success gaming the US election to put a more Russian friendly president into the White House, Tsar Putin is expanding his glorious three year old cyber warrior team.

Qualcomm fine could bring trade war
Published in News
Thursday, 29 December 2016 11:13

Qualcomm fine could bring trade war

East versus West

2017 could be the year of the trade war as the US and Far Eastern start to slug it out over technology.

Worst, most expensive, pointless, tastless smartphone appears
Published in Mobiles

Iphone 7 compresses more suck than a Dyson

If you had to come up with the world’s worst phone you would have to put the money trapping iPhone 7 close to the top of the list.

Twitter is toast
Published in News
Thursday, 22 December 2016 13:05

Twitter is toast

Analysts finally start speaking like Fudzilla

It has taken a while, but we are finally getting analysts to describe situations in the way we do. Trip Chowdhry, the managing director of equity research at Global Equities Research shocked the market when he described Twitter as being "toast".

Donald Trump is cool for Catz
Published in News
Friday, 16 December 2016 11:22

Donald Trump is cool for Catz

Oracle boss signs up for executive committee

Oracle co-chief executive Safra Catz will be joining Donald (Prince of Orange) Trump's executive committee on his transition team.

Bezos diplomatic after Trump meeting
Published in News
Thursday, 15 December 2016 12:15

Bezos diplomatic after Trump meeting

Hatchet buried?

Donald “Prince of Orange” Trump met up with Silicon Valley’s big names yesterday to repair the damage of the election campaign.