Fault in the Nintendo Switch can be fixed with a foam blob
Wireless connection fault has cheap fix
Nintendo Switch reviews spotted problems with the left Joy-Con occasionally losing its wireless connection to the console and some hackers found that opening the controller and adding a simple piece of wire increased its effective range.
Nintendo Switch ships with six month old bugs
It is almost as if they are not really trying
Nintendo’s new Switch console is shipping with software flaws which are more than six months old.
Nintendo denies Switch problems
It all user error
While the world wide wibble is full of people who have experienced problems with their Nintendo Switch, the maker of the portable consoles is denying that there is anything wrong.
Switch nightmares compressed in one video
One for the masochists
If you want a reason to avoid the Nintendo Switch then this horror video which has tipped up on YouTube should give you enough reason.
Nintendo tries to bury dead pixels scandal
Death comes to everyone
Nintendo has been doing its best to see off stories that its new Switch portable console is blighted with dead pixels.
Nintendo Switch can’t save back-ups
All your saved games could be lost to history
The new Nintendo Switch will not allow you to backup the save files for Nintendo Switch games.
Nintendo has a “surprise” shortage of Switches
Well we were not surprised
We had a theory that Nintendo would manage to stuff up the launch of its Switch console.
Nintendo Switch has another face palm
Forgets to mention key functions and drops important ones
Smart money is on the Nintendo Switch being a lemon, but it seems that the maker of toilet branded consoles is making elementary mistakes on its launch.
Nintendo reveals more Switch console details
Launching on March 3rd for US $299
During its official press conference, Nintendo has finally revealed the rest of the details for its upcoming Switch console that will go on sale on March 3rd for US $299.
Nintendo Switch will be in short supply
You probably were not expecting this
The dark satanic rumour mill has manufactured a hell on earth yarn claiming that Nintendo is launching its new Switch console in the US without enough to sell to the great unwashed.