Apple starts pulling support for 32 bit apps
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Backwards compatiblity is for proper computers

Apple has begun warning its users that their favourite 32-bit apps will soon not work on MacOS.

Microsoft develops software for Mac refugees
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No need to cross shark infested waters

Microsoft has finally come up with software which will allow refugees from the autocratic Apple cult escape the clutches of a company that does not really care about them any more.

"I am a Mac" guy defects to Huawei
Published in News
Wednesday, 01 February 2017 12:37

"I am a Mac" guy defects to Huawei

MateBook running Windows 10 far better than iOS

The smug bloke who championed the Mac computer has defected to Huawei and is peddling its MateBook instead.

Apple’s hardware sales fall behind rivals
Published in News
Thursday, 26 January 2017 11:03

Apple’s hardware sales fall behind rivals

Market leaders grew while Jobs’ Mob fell

The fruity tax-dodging cargo-cult Apple has really dropped the ball when it comes to hardware and is rapidly losing ground to rivals.

Apple Pro is for amateurs
Published in AI
Monday, 07 November 2016 14:22

Apple Pro is for amateurs

Mac users are revolting... well more revolting than normal

The Tame Apple Press is in a lot of pain over the new Apple Mac Pro. No matter how hard it tries, it cannot polish the turd and is now turning against its Apple overlords.

New MacBooks are around the corner
Published in News
Monday, 24 October 2016 19:41

New MacBooks are around the corner

CPU upgrade

Apple is preparing to launch its updated versions of MacBooks and a new USB Type-C MagSafe-like charging, new CPUs and an OLED touch are the loudest of rumors. 

Apple expects your gear to be dead in three years
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It does not matter how much you paid

It might have cost you an arm and a leg, but Apple does not expect its shiny toys to last longer than three to four years.

Firefox close to having 64-bit browser for Windows
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Just don’t expect it to be easy

For some reason the Mozilla Foundation are unable to get a stable version of Firefox which operates in 64-bit Windows.

Apple TV is cannibalising Mac
Published in News
Thursday, 04 June 2015 12:38

Apple TV is cannibalising Mac

Which shows the Mac's key use

In a story which was supposed to show Apple TV giving streaming-media box companies a kicking, CNET accidently revealed that the low powered, low function product is actually damaging Jobs' Mob's sales of Macs.

IBM suits to eat fruity dog food
Published in News
Friday, 29 May 2015 13:07

IBM suits to eat fruity dog food

Replace Thinkpads with expensive toys

IBM's partnership with Apple is probably not going the way that many in the industry would have played it with Big Blue having to swallow its own dog food and buy the expensive gear itself.