Rock Band to get new DLC
Harmonix to add three new songs
Back in February of 2013 Rockband developer Harmonix confirmed that they had no plans after April of 2013 to provide any additional DLC songs. Now we have learned that the will be releasing three new songs for purchase and download.
Chroma is new project from Harmonix
New IP is a free-to-play music driven shooter
Harmonix cancels Xbox One Kinect title?
But we don’t know what it was
Rock Band Blitz is announced
Will be coming to XBLA and PSN
Dance Central tracks can be exported to Dance Central 2

Will cost 400 Microsoft Points to do so
Dance Central pulled at last minute

Misprint in the manual said to be the issue
Harmonix's PR agency settles with US FTC

Employees wrote reviews on iTunes App Store