Germany's first fully integrated 8K IP entertainment service to kick off
Based around ADVA optical networking gear
ADVA Optical Networking announced that the German digital service provider Exaring has deployed its technology in Germany's first fully integrated platform for IP entertainment services.

Intel wants to replace headphone jack with USB-C
Hit the road jack
Chipzilla has called for the standard 3.5mm headphone jack to be dropped in favor of connections like USB-C.
Future Soldier to get visual enhancement
Only for the PC version for release on June 15th
Black Friday Digital Media Players
All the rage, but might not be right choice
Activision sells 18 million map packs

Digital download sales are very good
EA dumps manuals for digital

Follows UbiSoft’s lead on future titles
Judge dismisses Kodak claims against Apple and Rim

Not a happy snapper
EU warns of digital dark ages

Barbarians are coming