Google makes pitiful excuses for underpaying women
Handmaiden's tale
Search engine Google has come up with a truly pitiful reason for treating women employees like second class citizens – it can’t search the data.
Facebook more likely to reject code made by women
Being a Facebook engineer is a Handmaiden's tale
According to The Wall Street Journal, female engineers who work at Facebook may face gender bias that prevents their code from being accepted at the same rate as male counterparts.
Apple fanboys force women to smile
Apple's way to "fix" women
It appears that the fruity cargo cult, Apple managed to offend half the population yesterday by insisting that a woman who was pouting was not beautiful and needed software to "fix her face" to force her look pretty by smiling.
Scientists find that sexist gamers are pants players
Being a poor player makes you a jerk
Some interesting research about gamers who hassle women suggests that the worst offenders are not good at playing the games.
Women who play online games are slappers
Unfair survey implication of the century