Trump administration tried to silence comedy Twitter account
Thou shalt not mock the elite
Donald Trump's administration used the Justice Department to silence a twitter blogger who was mocking one of his chums and then used a legal gag to stop people talking about it.

Amazon used fake Twitter accounts
To pretend workers did not want a union
Online bookseller Amazon has been accused of dirty tricks in its fight to stop its workers from forming a union.

Big Tech not that keen to reopen offices
Not until after summer
San Francisco's largest technology companies, including Twitter and Google plan to keep their offices largely closed for months more despite the government allowing them on Tuesday to be opened in a limited capacity.

Twitter bans Memphis
Elvis and King Menes unamused
For some reason, Twitter has been automatically banning anyone who uses the name Memphis in their tweets for 12 hours.

Twitter reads Trump the riot act
Suspends Twitter account for creating violence
Following riots in the US capital, Twitter has locked President Trump's Twitter account for 12 hours and forced the removal of three offending tweets. It also warned it could suspend his account permanently.

Trump to lose Twitter privileges
He will have the same rights as any other conspiracy nut
US President Donald Trump will lose Twitter privileges he enjoys as a world leader when President Elect Joe Biden takes office on 20 January, 2021.

Twitter gives David Icke a red card
Looks like the lizards finally got the former goalkeeper
Twitter has banned the account of British conspiracy theorist David Icke who believes that the world is run by lizards and that 5G was used to spread the pandemic.

Twitter hides Trump claim of victory
Also said that you can't claim your opponents are trying to steal the election
Twitter has hidden and labelled a claim by Donald Trump in which he claimed his opponents "are trying to steal the election" and limited users' ability to like and reply to the post.

Twitter cracks down on QAnon
Suspends accounts
Twitter is to permanently suspend accounts that violate its policies while tweeting about QAnon, a fringe group that claims “deep-state” traitors are plotting against President Donald Trump.

FCC can't censor Twitter before the election
Moot point if it can ever
US President Donald [shooting starts when the looting starts] Trump’s attempts to force social media to carry his words of wisdom face an uphill battle from regulators who have said they cannot oversee the conduct of internet firms.