Batcave patch to rescue save files?
Rocksteady hopes it has a handle on the issue
Porsche comes to Forza 4
30 of them in expansion pack
Leaked Halo 4 demo reel is fake
No November 21st release date
Forza 4 Limited Edition oversold
Some buyers being asked to take standard instead
Forza 4 to offer optional season pass

Six DLC packs at 30% off for 2,400 points
Turn 10 confirms Forza 4 demo

Coming October 3rd ahead of release
Kaos boss moves to Ubisoft Red Storm

Votypka to be senior creative director
Mad Catz moves into development

ThunderHawk Studios to work on flight sim
Major players exit Black Rock

Form new studio called RoundCube
Sony elects to close studios

Eliminates 205 jobs in the process