Apple pauses selling gear in Russia
Published in News
Wednesday, 02 March 2022 12:07

Apple pauses selling gear in Russia

It is not as if they can afford them any more

Fruity cargo cult, Apple  has decided to stop selling its over priced toys to the Russians.

Musk’s stalker now tailing Russian oligarchs
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Sweeney Todd’s flying squad

A Twitter bot created by a college student is tracking the movements of 46 jets owned or leased by more than 20 Russian oligarchs and sending updates to ADS-B Exchange, "a site that collects data from aviation enthusiasts who run their own equipment to monitor airplane movements. 

Putin ensures German gas dependence by turning off wind turbines
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You see you need us

Tsar Putin’s rampaging hacker hordes shut down 5,800 wind turbines in central Europe to remind them how shaky their green power plans are and how much they need Russian gas.

Polish government computers hit by hackers
Published in News
Friday, 25 February 2022 11:29

Polish government computers hit by hackers

We wonder who could have done that?

The computer servers of the Polish government and the national system for payment clearing have experienced more cyberattacks in recent days.

US cracks down on Russian use of US tech
Published in News
Friday, 25 February 2022 11:42

US cracks down on Russian use of US tech

Well not Apple gear, you can still have that if you can afford it 

The United States restricted exports to Russia of a broad set of US-made products as well as foreign-produced goods built with US technology, following the invasion of Ukraine.

Russia might have a key card in sanction war
Published in News
Thursday, 24 February 2022 12:00

Russia might have a key card in sanction war

So, you don’t want to supply us with chips? Well, we will not give you the materials

While the US is posturing about how will remove Russian access to technology to punish its invasion of Ukraine, its chip companies are hoping that their supply of semiconductor-grade neon will hold up.

The UK threatens cyber war against the Russians
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If the Russians dare to attack us

The UK is prepared to use its offensive cyber capability if the Russians start targeting Britain's computer networks after a Ukraine invasion.

Ukraine’s MoD suffers DDoS attack
Published in News
Wednesday, 16 February 2022 11:47

Ukraine’s MoD suffers DDoS attack

Unlikely to be Russia 

Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence suffered from a DDoS attack that prevented users from accessing its website, and two Ukrainian banks lost access to online banking services.

Ukraine shuts down Russian troll farm
Published in News
Thursday, 10 February 2022 13:42

Ukraine shuts down Russian troll farm

18,000 fake accounts

Ukraine's Security Service said it has shut down a troll farm in the city of Lviv.

US intends to fight Russia with Huawei tactics
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Damage strategic Russian industries without firing a shot

The US government is threatening to use a novel export control to damage strategic Russian industries, from artificial intelligence and quantum computing to civilian aerospace.