Sony patents VR “Power Glove”
A bit less bulky and used for VR
Sony has just patented the successor to the 1980's Nintendo Power Glove.
Microsoft Xbox-as-a-Service gathering momentum
Making it like the rest of Microsoft’s business
Software giant Microsoft is planning to get its Xbox business back in gear by making it follow the same sort of business model which worked for it on Microsoft office.
Playstation tackle's VR power problems with another box
Virtually trying to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear
While Sony is keen to create a PlayStation VR headset it is having a problem with the device’s power.
Sony's Morpheus is now PlayStation VR
Overdose in creativity at Sony marketing
Sony's Project Morpheus VR system is now being called by its new name – PlayStation VR.
Microsoft interested in buying AMD
End of the Wintel alliance
The dark satanic rumour mill has manufactured a hell on earth yarn claiming that the much loved software giant Microsoft wants to by the fabless chipmaker AMD.
Xbox and Playstation were finished off by Lizards
Finn end of the wedge
F-Secure, has confirmed to the Finnish media that one of the hackers who brought down the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live services on Christmas Day is based in Finland.
PS4s thin on the ground
If you want one you should buy it now
There is a shortage of PS4 consoles in some European countries and it looks like Sony has run out of inventory.
PlayStation Experience coming in December
$90 admission and you have to get to Vegas
PlayStation Plus version of DriveClub on hold
Will remain that way till further notice
Sony to end PlayStation Home for PS3
Will close on March 31st, 2015