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New Vegas to get Collector?s Edition

Unique swag included in new Fallout CE release
It seems that each and every publisher is trying to out-do or over-do the previous Collector’s Edition releases these days. While some of them are very unique, others are simply not worth the money. We have to say, however, that some of these ultimate Collector’s Editions are starting to seem more like a work of art than a release package for a video game. Nonetheless, word has reached us of a new Fallout: New Vegas Collector’s Edition; and the unique packaging does seem to border more on art than video gaming.
The New Vegas CE will include no lunchbox this time around, but instead include a set of seven poker chips, a customized set of playing cards, replica of the Lucky 38 platinum chip, All Roads hard cover edition graphic novel, the making of Fallout: New Vegas DVD, and a special box that houses the loot.
The Fallout: New Vegas Collector’s Edition will be available in Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC versions. We can confirm that the price for the Collector’s Edition on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 is $79.99, while the PC version will go for $10 less. Retailers are already starting to take orders for this one and we hear that this will be a very limited edition; so if you don’t pre-order it, you might have a hard time getting one.