China Mobile banned from the US for security reasons
Isn’t a government forcing you to use uncompetative companies socialism?
The Trump appointed FCC has decided that US citizens will not be allowed to buy from China Mobile and must purchase from state-approved telecoms monopolies instead.
Trump’s trade war will damage server shipments
Expected to fall by nine per cent
Donald (Prince of Orange) Trump’s trade war with the Chinese is expected to damage global server shipments.
Seasonic adjusts US prices due to new trade tariffs
Anywhere between $5 and $20
Seasonic has announced the new US price list for power supply units which comes as a result of the recent trade war between China and the US.
US dims Chinese lights
Strike a light!
An all out trade war between the USA and China has claimed more victims, with LED lighting being the latest casualty.
ZTE agrees to US demands
Ban lifting likely
ZTE has signed an agreement in principle that would lift a US Commerce Department ban on buying from US suppliers, allowing the outfit to get back into the business.
Qualcomm fine could bring trade war
East versus West
2017 could be the year of the trade war as the US and Far Eastern start to slug it out over technology.