Motorola slashes Xoom prices

That’s how well it’s selling
Samsung Galaxy 10.1 tab is the best Android tablet

Asus transformer is runner up
Motorola bundles wireless keyboard and mouse with Xoom

In UK and Ireland in July
Kal El has same or better battery

As Tegra 2
Video of Atom tablet vs. Motorola Xoom

Atom Z670 no match for Tegra 2 CPUs
Google rolls out Android 3.1 update

Verizon Xoom 3G only for now
Android tablets fail to deliver on value front

Roundup: Mostly harmless for Jobs’ Mob
“Only” 250,000 Xooms sold

Not bad considering
Still no Honeycomb in EU

500 + million market ignored
Xoom is a flop

Only 100,000 sold