Nintendo aims high after abandoning Wii
Published in News
Monday, 30 October 2017 12:02

Nintendo aims high after abandoning Wii

Switch proves to be viable

Former maker of playing cards, Nintendo almost doubled its full year operating profit forecast as supply shortages for its new Switch games console began to ease.

Nintendo ramps up switch supply
Published in Gaming
Thursday, 05 October 2017 12:41

Nintendo ramps up switch supply

Surprise success

It appears that Nintendo's Switch might be taking off after all and the former maker of playing cards and urine themed consoles has ramped up  orders for the Nintendo Switch to two million units a month.

Nintendo bitten by something which is not a Texas patent troll
Published in News

Has to pay $10.1 million because Wii players fall over a lot

The former maker of playing cards, Nintendo, has been told that it has to pay $10 billion to a Dallas medical motion-detection company which claims to have invented motion sensors to detect when old people fall over. 

Nintendo's Switch in short supply
Published in Gaming
Tuesday, 29 August 2017 06:00

Nintendo's Switch in short supply

Nintendo can't make enough of them

The former maker of playing cards is having difficulty keeping up with demand for its Nintendo Switch console but it seems that this is turning a supply cock-up into a money spinner with people actually thinking that the Switch is desirable.

Former Wii maker flushed with success
Published in Gaming
Wednesday, 26 July 2017 06:00

Former Wii maker flushed with success

Bog standard profits at last

The former maker of the Wii, Nintendo, said it swung to a profit in the first quarter, beating analyst estimates thanks to strong demand for the Switch.

Nintendo working on SNES miniature console
Published in Gaming

Cited as one reason for NES Classic's seasonal release timeframe

Following the short-lived release of its sellout NES Classic console in November, Nintendo says it has “a lot going on right now” following the console’s largely successful reception.

Nintendo's short-lived NES Classic ends sales this month
Published in Gaming

Company has sold at least 2 million units since November

Nintendo has announced that it will stop producing the NES Classic next month following a rather short four-month release window from November 2016.

Nintendo Switch warps when docked
Published in News
Wednesday, 05 April 2017 11:30

Nintendo Switch warps when docked

And not to light speed

Nintendo fanboys who have been complaining that Fudzilla does not like the Switch might better direct their complaints to the firm for releasing a product which appears blighted with problems.

Nintendo Switch hacks off Peta
Published in Gaming
Monday, 03 April 2017 14:16

Nintendo Switch hacks off Peta

Militant vegans up in arms over milking game

Nintendo fanboys have been hitting any story which claims that the console is not true perfection, but it appears now that they will have to take on the might of animal rights group PETA.

Nintendo switch back-up horror stories arrive
Published in Gaming

You probably were not expecting this

When the Nintendo Switch arrived, we pointed out that there is no way to externally back up game save data stored on the system and this would lead to all sorts of headaches.