AI resurrects Jesus
Something 2000 years of Christianity could not manage
After more than 2000 years Jesus has finally made a second coming thanks to AI.

German church replaces priest with AI
Much more precise
A church in Germany has held the first AI-driven mass in a move that some might feel is a reform too far.

Scot students' fume over lessons in "internet free" church
They can take away our freedom but they cannae take away our wi-fi
Angry students at the University of Glasgow have blasted the decision to make them sit through lectures in a 19th-century church which does not have wi-fi.

German churches installing wi-fi
Fighting for declining members
German protestant churches, which are losing members faster than Blackberry is losing market share, are turning to wi-fi to help them out.
10 percent of mobile gamers play in church
And while driving