Facebook gave data to Microsoft, Amazon, Spotify, Netflix, and the Royal Bank of Canada
Considered them exempt from privacy rules
Facebook documents, found by the New York Times, show that the social network considered Microsoft, Spotify, Netflix, and the Royal Bank of Canada business partners and effectively exempted them from its privacy rules.

Amazon finds ARM Graviton processor more efficient
Cloudy solutions
Amazon is to deploy an ARM-based Graviton processor. The e-commerce giant says this will lead to cost savings of up 45 per cent for "scale-out" services.

Amazon faces antitrust complaint in Austria
No Lebensraum to move
Austrian retailers have filed a complaint against Amazon with their national competition authority.

Amazon might spin off its cloud services
Top Augur sees it in the entrails
A top divination expert who has a string of viable predictions under his belt, thinks that Amazon will spin off its cloud business in the near future.

Amazon gets into blockchain
New cloud services
Amazon.com is jumping on the blockchain wave with new cloud services that help customers build the technology needed to record transactions.

Amazon’s Oracle purge will be finished by next year
Oracle and Microsoft abusive to customers
Amazon will have shifted most of its Oracle databases onto something of its own making by the end of next year at the latest.

Amazon puts cloud in space
AWS Ground Station launched
Amazon Web Services has unveiled a service that lets owners of satellites rent time on Amazon managed ground stations to send and receive data from orbit.

Amazon flogging data mining software
Will snuffle up patent medical records
Amazon is starting to sell software to mine patient medical records for information that doctors and hospitals could use to improve treatment and cut costs.

Amazon working to make Java free for its users
Amazon Corretto is no cost
Amazon wants to make sure Java is available for free to its users in the long term with the introduction of Amazon Corretto.

Amazon to sell Apple gear
Long term rivals bury the hatchet
Apple and Amazon have buried the hatchet only a few years after Jobs’ Mob arranged a pricing cartel to shut the book seller out of the ebook market.