The bloke who played Scotty in Star Trek is finding that he cannot find any Enterprise that will hook him up to broadband for less than £21,000. Actor Simon Pegg has taken to Twitter to moan about BT after the national UK telecoms operator agreed to “hook our street up for broadband“ for £21,000.
“In other phone news BT, Europe’s biggest telecom provider have agreed to hook our street up for broadband. We just have to give then £21K,” said Pegg in his Tweet.
He is believed to have been living in a Hertfordshire village with his wife Maureen and their daughter, but he is not telling anyone because that means he will be stalked by Star Trek fans who think he is Scotty and want him to fix their broken iPad. Still the fact that BT quoted for an entire street to be upgraded would appear to suggest that Pegg might live in one of the areas that won’t benefit from the £18.06m Connected Counties scheme, which aims to roll-out the operators “fibre broadband” (FTTC/P) network to cover 90 per cent of local premises in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire (England) by the end of March 2016.
The Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire scheme was recently allocated another £6.63m by the Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK) office in order to push the network coverage out to 95 per cent by 2017