The company used to offer four Google Drive tiers - 15GB, 100GB, 1TB and 10TB+. Now it has added 10TB, 20TB and 30TB packages as well. The 15GB package is free and it is one of the most popular cloud solutions on the planet, although we still believe Dropbox has a somewhat better feel to it, especially when it comes to mobile apps.
However, Google's spacious packages are now much cheaper than anything the competition has to offer. The 100GB plan has been slashed from $4.99 a month to just $1.99. That's not bad, but it gets better - the 1TB plan is now just $9.99, down from $49.99 a month.
The new plans are relatively affordable, but they're too big for most consumers. They are not too big for small businesses and other organisations. The 10TB plan is $99, 20TB will set you back $199 and the 30TB plan is $299. That sounds like a fair deal and it might prompt many CIOs to re-evaluate their storage strategy. The gap between cloud storage and traditional local storing is closing fast.