Supremes snub Facebook’s tracking case
Stop in the name of... wasting our time
The US Supreme Court rejected Facebook's bid to gut a $15 billion class-action lawsuit accusing the company of illegally tracking the activities of internet users even when they are logged out of the social media platform.

Facebook unfriended a Kurdish dissident group
Nice to know who your friends are
Social notworking site Facebook banned a Kurdish YPG dissident group because its presence on the site was offending the Turkish government and it might cause problems for its business in the country.

Facebook comes the raw prawn on Aussie content
No way are we paying for that
Facebook said it would no longer allow Australian publishers to share news on Facebook or allow Australian people to view or share international news sources.

Italian watchdog fines Facebook $8.5 million
Miffed that the outfit ignored earlier fine
Italy’s competition watchdog has fined Facebook ($8.5 million) for not complying with a request to correct improper commercial practices in its treatment of user data.

Zuckerberg wants an end to computing, sorry commuting
It is time for VR to do the job
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg wants commuting to work replaced with VR/AR telecommuting.

Zuckerberg might be forced into retirement
This is going to be a bad year for Facebook
Facebook is going to have such a terrible year in 2021 that Mark Zuckerberg will be forced into retirement in the following year, according to tech pundit Robert Cringley.

Facebook will launch antitrust action against Apple
This will run and run
A long-simmering public dispute between Facebook and Apple is going to result in the social notworking outfit suing the cargo cult for antitrust antics.

Facebook managed to muzzle watchdog
Information Commissioner banned from talking about Cambridge Analytica audit
In a cunning legal move, Social Notworking site Facebook has managed to prevent the UK’s information commissioner talking to parliament.

Microsoft and Google join Facebook in fight against Israeli NSO
It makes tools which are "powerful, and dangerous"
Microsoft and Google, have joined Facebook's legal battle against hacking company NSO, filing an amicus brief in federal court that warned the Israeli firm's tools were "powerful, and dangerous".

Facebook takes on Apple
Not sure who we want to win here
Facebook attacked Apple in a series of full-page newspaper ads claiming the iPhone maker's anticipated mobile software changes around data gathering and targeted advertising are bad for small businesses.