Microsoft gets a Beam for its X-Box
Interactive game streaming
Microsoft’s Xbox group has written a cheque for the interactive game streaming service Beam so it can take on Amazon’s Twitch.

XBox will not get digital video recorder
Redmond flip-flops
Software king of the world Microsoft has flip-flopped on its earlier decision to turn the Xbox One into a digital video recorder sometime this year.

Microsoft might turn your PC into an Xbox
Helix is a PC/console combo
Microsoft has started to focus on combining PC gaming with its Xbox One console.

Xbox users possessed by a loser demon
Priest calls for bath-tub baptisms
Pastor Gene Lingerfelt of the Faith Christian Centre in Texas has gained 15 minutes of fame by declaring that XBox gamers were possessed by a loser demon.

PS outsells Xbox one by a million units in the UK
Game figures
It looks like the PS4 is continuing to clean Microsoft's clock in the console wars, outsellng the Xbox by a million units in the UK.

Microsoft Xbox-as-a-Service gathering momentum
Making it like the rest of Microsoft’s business
Software giant Microsoft is planning to get its Xbox business back in gear by making it follow the same sort of business model which worked for it on Microsoft office.

AMD is being propped up by consoles
PS4 and Xbox One sold well over Christmas
AMD is expecting to see its bottom line boosted by good Xbox and PS4 sales over the recent holiday season. Both contain AMD's CPUs and GPUs.

Xbox Wireless Adapter gets Windows 7/8.1 support
Finally gets an update
Microsoft has finally released an update which will bring support for the Xbox Wireless Adapter on both Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 OS.

PS4 unlocks the Seventh Core
Pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.
Microsoft's move to open the seventh core on its X-Box has apparently been followed by Sony on its Playstation 4.

Nintendo NX has a 60 per cent chance
Now it has lost its toilet naming obsession
An analyst has given Nintendo’s new NX gaming console a 60 per cent chance of success.