Published in Mobiles

LG preparing its own quad-core chip for September

by on10 July 2012


LG-made ARM based L9

According to a report over at, LG is apparently preparing its own in-house mobile processor that should debute in September.

Although the available info is quite scarse, it appears that LG's quad-core CPU, judging by its L9 name, might be based on an ARM Cortex-A9 architecture, rather than Cortex-A15. Scheduled to debute in a smartphone in September, it is expected to be paired up with True HD screen seen in the Optimus 4X HD and a camera larger than 10MP.

Since Samsung has Exynos, while Apple designs its own Ax series of ARM chips, this could signify a very interesting shift on LG's part.

More here.

Last modified on 10 July 2012
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