An independent cruise travel agent has found that over a tenth of cruisers dropped technology products overboard when on a cruise holiday last year. It has been estimated that this would mean more than £16.5 million worth of tech products being lost overboard by cruisers in one year alone.
An independent online cruise travel agent has conducted a study of 1,151 avid cruisers across the UK to discover how many technology products have accidently fallen overboard when on a cruise holiday. The study, conducted by, initially asked the respondents if they had accidently dropped any technology products overboard whilst on a cruise in the past 12 months; to which over a tenth, 11 per cent, said ‘yes’.
The 11 per cent admitted to accidentally dropping technology products overboard when on a cruise were presented with a list of possible products and asked to select which products they had dropped; with respondents able to select more than one response if applicable. More than 41 per cent dropped their mobile phone, while 38 per cent dropped their camera. MP3 players were lost 32 per cent of the time. More than 29 per cent lost a Kindle, and 26 per cent lost a game console.
The fact that the figures go over a hundred percent means that some tourists dropped more than one electronic device and did not learn their lesson. Strangely no one reported losing an iPad which is the first thing I chuck overboard when no one is looking. I would have thought the iPhone sleeping with the fishes figures would have been higher for the same reason.
More than 1.7 million people in the UK embarked on a cruise last year. Steph Curtin, Cruise Development Manager of, said that it is amazing much money is lost by simple mistakes when onboard a cruise ship.