Samsung announces 200MP ISOCELL HP3 sensor
Published in Mobiles

Comes with 0.5μm pixel

Samsung has unveiled its newest 200-megapixel ISOCELL HP3 sensor, which brings the “industry’s smallest pixel” at 0.56 μm, while promising better auto-foucs, and clearer HDR images.

Schmidt wants US to back Taiwan and South Korean chipmakers
Published in News

Keep using Asians but outsourced to the US 

The US should do more to attract overseas chipmakers to build plants on its territory as a matter of national security, former Google chief Eric Schmidt wrote.

Samsung caught cheating on TV reviews
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Adjusting to meet reviewer test patterns

Samsung has been training its smart tellies to recognise test patterns used by reviewers and come up with some better configurations. 

Chipmakers to spend record cash on new fab equipment
Published in News

$109 billion in 2022 and 2023

According to a fresh report, big chip manufacturers are increasing spending on new fab equipment, reaching a record $109 billion in 2022, a 20 percent increase compared to the previous year.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4 might have a smaller crease
Published in Mobiles

Redesigned hinge brings improvements

With the fourth generation foldables from Samsung scheduled to come in two months, it does not come as a surprise that we are hearing more rumors about them, especially when it comes to a redesigned hinge, which might bring a smaller crease on both models.

Foldable smartphones had a good quarter
Published in Mobiles

Galaxy Z Flip3 holds the crown

Foldable smartphones did well in Q1, according to DSCC, reaching 2.22 million shipments, up by 571 percent compared to the same quarter last year.

Samsung gives up on LCD
Published in Graphics

Outpriced by the Chinese 

Samsung Display has decided to close its liquid-crystal display (LCD) business in June, because the Chinese and Taiwanese can make them cheaper.

Samsung builds a chipmaking “dream team”
Published in PC Hardware

Time to take on Qualcomm

Samsung is rumoured to be assembling a special task force dubbed "Dream Platform One team" tasked with designing a custom in-house Samsung mobile Application Processor (AP).

Samsung considers 20 per cent chip price hikes
Published in News

Sign of the Times

Samsung wants to jack the prices of its semiconductor products up by 20 per cent.

Chipmakers talking about price hikes
Published in PC Hardware

Up by 20 per cent

Chipmakers are talking about jacking the price of chips up by more than 20 per cent.