Microsoft releases its own limited upscaler
Published in Graphics

Automatic Super Resolution

Software King of the World Microsoft has released its Automatic Super Resolution which acts as an upscaler akin to Nvidia DLSS and AMD FSR.

Google suffers from user loyalty issues
Published in Mobiles

Most want to flee

Although the tech giant aims to win more new users with its latest model, Pixel 8a, and its AI-driven software, Google`s even bigger concern is how to hold onto the old users, as more of them consider switching to other brands.

Tech addicted to China and decoupling impossible
Published in News

GlobalData says supply chains China dependent

It would be impossible for the world’s technology industry to decouple its supply chains from China, say analysts for GlobalData.

Chinese PC maker leaks AMD Radeon RX 7650M XT launch plans
Published in PC Hardware

GPU features in a dock

Chinese PC maker  Aoostar is launching a new device featuring an AMD Radeon 7650M XT graphics card in July 2024.

Nvidia teams up with Dell on AI PC
Published in PC Hardware

Making an Nvidia, ARM and Dell AI cocktail

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang and Dell CEO Michael Dell have confirmed that Team Green will enter the AI-PC hype next year.

AMD plans to one-up Chipzilla on AI
Published in AI

Abandoning Rzyen naming convention

The Dark Satanic Rumour Mill has manufactured a hell-on-earth yarn, claiming AMD is poised to revamp its mobile processor branding strategy, emphasising its AI features to show up Intel.

Apple thought about ripping off Tetris
Published in News

At least on a prototype

Fruity cargo cult Apple saw the success of the computer game Tetris and said “we will be having some of that” and bashed out a clone.

Microsoft ready clean Mac’s out-of-date clock
Published in PC Hardware

New ARM Snapdragon X will make Macs look as dated as Stevenson’s rocket

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says that while the fruity cargo cult Apple had done a splendid job on its latest Mac, it was going to be outdated by the new windows optimised laptops coming from Acer, ASUS, Dell, HP, Lenovo, and Samsung in the next four weeks.

Microsoft announces that VBScript will sleep with the fishes
Published in News

End of an error

Software king of the world, Microsoft has confirmed that VBScript will be discontinued in the latter half of 2024 in a move that marks the end of an era for programmers.

20 per cent of Rust Crates have 'Unsafe' Keyword
Published in News

Rust Foundation admits it… sort of

The Rust Foundation has been doing its best to reveal a security issue with Rust while at the same time telling the world how wonderful it is.